I am in pursuit of joy. I believe that true joy is deeper than happiness. While happiness is often dependent on our circumstances or external validation, joy is something more foundational that is not as easily shaken by the world around us. I believe that even in the midst of life’s most challenging seasons, we can find joy.

Honestly, the timing feels divine. I desire this year to be the best year yet and as I reflect on the last couple of years, yes, there was a heaviness, there was contrast, there was divisiveness but there was also joy. So much joy. Sometimes it may have been hidden or felt hard to find but it has always been there and it is always available to you.

Collectively it’s time for us all to take a deep breath and return to joy.

How? Activate within the 5 Pillars of Joy. Learn more below…

Find joy in the journey.

Activate Joy…

In this episode of the podcast, I dive into one of my favourite topics…JOY! I feel called to teach on the subject of joy and share the 5 pillars which you can activate to welcome more joy into your life. I share how I’ve experienced joy in the midst of deep grief and how practices of Connection, Gratitude, Generosity, Health + Faith in your life can foster deep shifts.

5 Pillars of Joy

  • Gratitude

    By focusing on what you are grateful for, you open the door to the law of attraction. What you focus on you get more of. Focus on what you are grateful for and be ready to welcome more of it in.

  • Generosity

    It’s a powerful word and concept. Especially now, when the world feels heavy. Especially when neighbours and friends struggle. Generosity is not just in the giving of money or donations. Give generously of your talents, time and spirit.

  • Connection

    Call it community, relationships, family, friends. As humans, we thrive in a supportive environment and research suggests that people who have one or more close friendships appear to be happier.

  • Health

    Regular exercise has a powerful impact on mood. Move your body and begin to generate endorphins, natural “feel happy” hormones. These endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain and trigger a positive feeling in the body.

  • Faith

    Source, God, Universe, Mother Earth – whatever you call it, this is about a connection to a higher power and a greater connection with our true self.